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Let's Know the Myriad Benefits of Taro for Health

Not only tastes delicious to eat, it turns out that the health benefits of taro are so abundant. This is thanks to the nutritional content in taro which makes it one of the good foods consumed daily. Taro is a type of tuber that grows in mainland Africa, America and Asia. In Indonesia, the plant called Latin Colocasia esculenta is a plant that can be transformed into a variety of delicious-tasting foods, such as sponge, chips, compote, bubble tea, to ice mix. Behind its flavor, taro also holds a myriad of health benefits. Want to know what are the benefits of taro? Check out the following explanation.

Nutrient Content Important In Taro

In a serving of taro (about 150 grams) that has been cooked, you can get:
  • 150 - 200 calories
  • 5-7 grams of fiber
  • Around 4 grams of protein
  • 150 - 170 mg of calcium
  • 450 - 600 mg of potassium
  • 30-50 mg of magnesium
  • 60 - 70 mg of phosphorus
Not only that, taro is also enriched with antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, as well as iron and copper minerals. Various nutrients on the taro make taro as one of the foods that play an important role in maintaining the health and function of body organs.

Come on, Know What Are the Benefits of Taro for Health

Here are the benefits of taro that you can get if you consume it in the right amount:

1. Keep sugar levels normal

To support body health, blood sugar levels must be kept stable. Blood sugar levels that are too high, risk causing insulin resistance. If not controlled, high blood sugar can cause diabetes. Untreated diabetes can cause various dangerous complications, such as damage to the retina of the eye that can cause blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and weak immune system. To keep blood sugar levels stable, the body needs food intake that contains complex carbohydrates and fiber. One of them is taro. In addition, the benefits of taro are also good for maintaining stable blood sugar, because taro has a low glycemic index.

2. Prevent heart disease

The benefits of fiber are not only for maintaining blood sugar levels, but also good for maintaining heart health. This is thanks to the fiber, potassium, and antioxidants which are quite high in taro. In the body, the fiber you get from taro serves to ensure that cholesterol levels remain normal. If too much, cholesterol can clog blood vessels, so that blood flow to certain organs of the body become obstructed. If blood vessels to the heart are blocked, heart disease can occur. In addition, potassium in taro is also good for preventing high blood pressure. As we know, high blood pressure is also related to heart disease. Fortunately, about 20% of the daily fiber and potassium requirements of adults can be fulfilled only by consuming a portion of taro. But apart from taro, fiber and potassium also need to be obtained from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

3. Increase bone strength

Your bones can be stronger by consuming taro. How can? Taro turns out to have a fairly high calcium content, even much higher than similar plants, such as cassava. Cassava only contains 15 mg of calcium in every 100 grams. While in the same portion, taro contains about 150 mg of calcium. When you get enough calcium, your bones will become denser and stronger. Thus, you will avoid bone loss or osteoporosis. Therefore, fulfill your daily calcium needs. Adults are encouraged to consume as much as 1000-1100 mg of calcium every day. While for children, the recommended daily calcium intake is higher, which is 1000-1200 mg.

4. Reducing the risk of cancer

Exposure to free radicals not only interfere with various functions of the body's organs, but also trigger the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, the body needs antioxidants to counteract the effects of free radicals that come from various sources, such as the body's natural metabolism, pollution (for example from cigarette smoke or motor vehicles), and sunlight. The benefits of taro are believed to reduce the risk of cancer because they contain antioxidants. Some types of antioxidants found in taro are polyphenols, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

5. Helps maintain weight

Fiber and carbohydrates in taro require a slower time to digest. This makes taro can provide a longer full effect. When you feel full, then the urge to snack or eat high-calorie foods will also be reduced. Therefore, taro is considered beneficial to help maintain weight. But keep in mind, to maintain ideal body weight, healthy eating patterns and regular exercise are also needed. In addition to the various benefits of taro above, taro is also good for maintaining digestion to stay healthy. This is inseparable from the fiber content in it. Although taro is good for health, before consuming it, make sure it is washed thoroughly and cooked until thoroughly cooked. If the taro you consume is still dirty or undercooked, you are at risk of poisoning or infection. One more thing you need to remember, consume taro within reasonable limits. If you have certain diseases or take drugs that must be consumed in the long run, it helps you consult your doctor first to determine whether taro is safe for consumption and how many servings of taro you can eat per day.


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